I love working with couples who have not had pictures done before. Why? You may ask. Well let me tell you… I feel like everyone expects it to be awkward and uncomfortable. In all realness, there’s nothing to be nervous about for your session. Madi and Erick were getting their pictures done for the first time. Going in they were a little nervous, which is understandable, I totally get that because I was the same way when I got my pictures done for the first time too.
It was up to me to make them feel comfortable in front of a camera/me, relaxed, and just ready to be themselves and have fun. Madi and Erick were total naturals when it came to posing with John Mayer playing in the back ground and me showing them some of my dance moves… not on purpose lol. We all had some good laughs and Madi and Erick had a really fun time!
During Madi and Erick’s couple session, I really got to see their personalities shine and how they worked so perfectly together! They both made each other laugh and smile so much it was truly so adorable!! I was so happy to be part of just a small moment in their lives together to capture the sweetest moments between them out on the beach having the time of their lives.
Sneak Peek of Madi + Erick Couple Session

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